Mail Proxy Server using NGINX

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Mail Proxy Server using NGINX

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Proxy IMAP, POP3 and SMTP protocols & load balance mail traffic. Faster & more secure

Mail Proxy Server using NGINX

Nginx is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more. NGINX is highly scalable as well, meaning that its service grows along with its clients traffic.

NGINX can proxy IMAP, POP3 and SMTP protocols to one of the upstream mail servers that host mail accounts and thus can be used as a single endpoint for email clients. This may bring in a number of benefits, such as

  • Easy scaling the number of mail servers
  • Choosing a mail server basing on different rules, for example, choosing the nearest server basing on a client’s IP address
  • Distributing the load among email servers
  • Mail Proxy Features

  • Optimised SSL/TLS for mail Proxy - Faster & more secure
  • Load balance mail server traffic
  • Load balancer in-band health checks
  • Reverse proxy support
  • Test your TCP mail upstream servers
  • Keep-alive and pipelined connections support
  • Access control based
  • Response rate limiting
  • HTTP authentication (LDAP)
  • STARTTLS support
  • TLS/SSL with SNI and OCSP stapling support, via OpenSSL
  • NGINX can also be used as a cache for static and dynamic content. Increasing the speed for users access.

    Mail Proxy Support / Documentation

    Follow the post setup instructions on our website - Setup NGINX Mail Proxy on Azure

    Nginx Ports

    The following ports are enabled.

  • TCP - 80
  • TCP - 443
  • Disclaimer: This solution is built using Nginx, Inc. and its contributors, an opensource software. This solution is Licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.