
Cloud Infrastructure Services


Cloud Infrastructure Services

HAProxy Community on Ubuntu 24.04. high-performance TCP/HTTP load balancer and proxy server that helps distribute traffic across multiple servers.

HAProxy on Ubuntu 24.04

HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is a high-performance TCP/HTTP load balancer and proxy server that helps distribute traffic across multiple backend servers. It improves reliability, uptime, and ensures that your web application can handle large volumes of traffic efficiently. HAProxy is widely used for load balancing, proxying, and enhancing the scalability of web-based applications.

HAProxy Use Cases

  • Distributing incoming web traffic across multiple backend servers to ensure even load distribution.
  • Enabling high availability by redirecting traffic to healthy servers in case of failures.
  • SSL termination for secure web traffic management and offloading SSL decryption to the proxy server.
  • Routing traffic based on rules, such as URL patterns or request headers, to different services.
  • Acting as a reverse proxy to provide secure, controlled access to internal services.
  • Implementing HTTP caching, compression, and web acceleration to improve performance.

HA Proxy Features

  • High Availability: Ensures uptime by automatically directing traffic to healthy servers.
  • Load Balancing: Distributes incoming traffic evenly across multiple servers for optimized performance.
  • SSL Termination: Decrypts SSL traffic to offload processing from backend servers.
  • Advanced Routing: Supports Layer 4 (TCP) and Layer 7 (HTTP) routing to control how traffic is distributed.
  • Scalability: Scales web applications by balancing traffic between multiple servers, helping with horizontal scaling.
  • Health Checks: Automatically checks the status of backend servers and only directs traffic to those that are healthy.
  • Security Features: Includes support for TLS/SSL, rate limiting, and DDoS protection mechanisms.
  • Performance Optimization: Offers features such as HTTP compression, caching, and connection pooling to improve application performance.
  • Extensive Logging and Monitoring: Provides detailed logs and metrics for traffic, server health, and performance.
  • Flexible Configuration: HAProxys configuration is highly customizable to meet the needs of complex architectures.

HA Proxy Documentation / Support

Getting started documentation and support from: HAProxy on Azure

Disclaimer: HAProxy® is a registered trademark of HAProxy Technologies LLC. HAProxy Community Edition is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2). The license comes with a "no warranty" clause, meaning the software is provided "as-is" without any guarantees or liability for issues that may arise.