CitiusTech GenAI Medical Ally


CitiusTech GenAI Medical Ally


GenAI Medical Ally solution can help reduce provider burnout and improve patient experience.

CitiusTech's GenAI Center of Excellence has been working on combining GenAI with search engine technology to build downstream healthcare applications on private data such as conversational search, conversational Q&A, knowledge article creation etc.

In order to ensure that each patient gets the right treatment, it is critical for Physicians to have the latest summary of their clinical observations, notes, medications etc. at their fingertips. CitiusTech's GenAI Medical Ally transforms all this unstructured & structured data into a real-time accessible knowledge base to drive engagements, make informed decisions and increase operational efficiencies.

Physician Value proposition:
- Document Summarization: Quickly get a summary of the patient's history by condensing comprehensive medical texts into concise, easy-to-digest versions, ensuring physicians grasp the essential information in no time.

- Intelligent Search: Quickly find relevant research articles, blogs, theses from the provider internal systems saving valuable time.

- Personalized Outreach content: Generate custom referral letters, brochures, emails for patients and empowering physicians to engage them with compelling content.

Patient Value proposition:
- Conversational Bot: Patients are able to ask questions relating to their medical condition, treatment etc. and receive contextual answers even when their physician is unavailable.

Azure Services Used: Azure Form recognizer, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure OpenAI.