Cloud Service Threat Protection Essentials

Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Corporation

Cloud Service Threat Protection Essentials

Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Corporation

Cloud Service Threat Protection Essentials

Note: Please refer to the following before installing the solution:

• Review the solution Release Notes

• There may be known issues pertaining to this Solution, please refer to them before installing.

As cloud services increase in popularity, the volume of attacks against them is also increasing. Broad visibility, context and timely detection of these attacks are important for organization as they move more workloads to the cloud. The Cloud Service Threat Protection Essentials contains security content that is relevant for detection of attacks against various cloud services like key vault, storage, compute etc.


This is a domain solution and does not include any data connectors. The content in this solution supports the connectors listed below. Install one or more of the listed solutions, to unlock the value provided by this solution.

1.Microsoft 365

2.Azure Activity

3.Azure Key Vault

Keywords: Storage, Key Vault, Compute, Office, Mail tampering, Azure, resources

Hunting Queries: 2