Hound ID
Azured Consulting
Hound ID
Azured Consulting
Hound ID
Azured Consulting
A tool for simple and secure user onboarding, offboarding and management
HoundID is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify identity lifecycle management. Focusing on 3 phases of an identity's lifecycle – creation, modification and deletion, HoundID also offers impressive features to reduce licensing costs and improve security within a Microsoft environment.
Accessed via Microsoft Teams, HoundID is a self-service solution, offering -
Save time and resources throughout the onboarding process with fast and secure user account creation
- Self-service and approval-driven user creation
- Assign licenses, access, resources and applications based on department, role and location
- Audit log of creation requests
- Custom task planner (eg. assigning a building pass)
Modifications (preview only)
Easily control costs and maintain efficiencies throughout an identity’s lifecycle
- Change of name (get married)
- Maternity leave (12 months)
- Disabled users
- Promotion/role change
- Additional applications required
- Disabled users and licences
Maintain security through to offboarding with fast and precise user account removal
- Self Service-driven disabling, removal or archival of identities within minutes
- Reclaim unused licences
- Set out-of-office message and email forwarding
- Limit application access
- Perform clean-up tasks including password resets, removing from groups and mailbox conversions
- Custom task planner (eg. retrieving building passes)
HoundID is a must for any business with a growing workforce, high employee turnover or simply looking to improve efficiency.