Examena: AI-powered Online Exams, Integrity, and Proctoring

AvePoint Inc.

Examena: AI-powered Online Exams, Integrity, and Proctoring

AvePoint Inc.

Craft, monitor, proctor, and analyse online exams from anywhere. Built on Microsoft cloud technology


Seamlessly craft, deliver, and manage online assessments with AI. Support live, asynchronous, and hybrid proctoring, and ensure integrity, all with a streamlined workflow for test-takers and exam authors alike.

An Inclusive Online Exam System to Meet Everyone's Needs

Examena enables a secure, intuitive, and online testing experience for candidates and administrators. Educators have flexibility at their fingertips to design exams that are perfectly aligned to course goals and outcomes, while test-takers have an intuitive and comfortable exam experience. Proctoring and grading have never been easier. Plus, everyone gets a consistent experience – even on their own device!

Features include:

  • Guided, easy to follow, step-by-step exam setup wizard makes the process easy,
  • Create a new exam in Examena, or “BYO Exam” to add our integrity and proctoring to an existing exam in your LMS (via LTI/ProctoringAPI support) or Import (QTI and more),
  • Scheduling automation including resource availability and schedule clash notifications,
  • Flexible options: Fixed time, open time, key-entry, closed/open book, and a lot more,
  • Question builder, quiz bank, and exam bank,
  • Optional view/approval workflows for exams pre-publish,
  • Creation, Marking, and Proctoring delegation,
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) enabled,
  • Intelligent AI assisted proctoring,
  • Smart authentication (IDs, facial recognition, etc),
  • Central marking dashboard with anonymous marking options available for integrity,
  • Microsoft Cloud Ready with Azure storage support for exam video retention, or EntraID for Single Sign On.

Learn More

· Examena Brochure on

· Examena User Guide for Setup and Help

· Case Study: Digitized Exams at ANZ College of Veterinary Scientists