Dotclear on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

AskforCloud LLC

Dotclear on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

AskforCloud LLC

Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software.

Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software published in 2003 by Olivier Meunier. A one man's project at first, Dotclear soon gathered a team comprising different personalities with various backgrounds.

The project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills.Dotclear is a free software primarily designed for its users.

🗸 To Configure Site - "/etc/apache2/sites-available/dotclear.conf" , Change ServerAdmin id, ServerAlias and ServerName with Domain or IP.
🗸 Database - Mysql DBName "dotclear", DBuser"dotclearuser" and password "Ask@123".
🗸 Access URL- https://Public Ip/ or https://Internet IP/

🗸 Linux (SSH) : 22 TCP
🗸 http : 80
🗸 https : 443

Features :

🗸 Easy publication
🗸 Fully customizable theme
🗸 Automated installation
🗸 Support for several database types
🗸 User-friendly administration
🗸 Multiblog
🗸 Flexible template system
🗸 Naturally optimized for search engines
🗸 Performance and scalability
🗸 Twice free - Dotclear is free to download and free to use

Disclaimer : This Virtual machine offer contains free and open source software. All the softwares, trademarks used in the Virtual machine offer are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Askforcloud LLC does not offer commercial license of the product mentioned above.