Tethys Platform 3.3 Ubuntu 20.04

Aquaveo, LLC

Tethys Platform 3.3 Ubuntu 20.04

Aquaveo, LLC

Minimal Tethys Portal 3.3 Production installation on Ubuntu 20.04

Tethys Platform is an open-source web development platform that is designed to lower the barrier to the creation of geospatial and scientific web applications. This image lowers the barrier to deploying Tethys web applications to Azure for Tethys app developers. It does so by letting you skip the hassle of installing and configuring a production Tethys Portal. Built from an Ubuntu 20.04 base it includes a minimal installation of Tethys Platform 3.3 with the Tethys Portal configured for production deployment. Simply create a new virtual machine with this image, customize the Tethys Portal, and install your apps.