
Apps4Rent LLC


Apps4Rent LLC

Secure, lightweight container management solution for Azure workloads, offering seamless deployment and orchestration on Debian11.

Experience seamless container management with Podman on Debian11! Unlock unparalleled performance and flexibility for your applications on Azure Marketplace. Effortlessly deploy and orchestrate containers with Podman.

Podman is a utility provided as part of the libpod library. It can be used to create and maintain containers.

Podman is an open-source Linux utility for creating, managing, and running containers and images. The tool is similar to Docker, allowing users to run standalone (non-orchestrated) containers

Podman is a container management tool that provides similar functionality to Docker but is designed to be daemonless and rootless. This means you don’t need a long-running background service (daemon) to manage your containers, and you don’t need root privileges for most operations.

Get Started with This Ready-To-Go Podman on Debian11

To verify that Podman has been installed correctly, follow the below steps:

To check the installed version of Podman: podman --version

To check the installed location of Podman: which podman

This readymade Podman on Debian11 offered by Apps4Rent takes away all the complexities in integration to Azure. All you need to do is just download the custom-built image and you are ready to go.

Easy Podman on Debian11 and Support by Azure Experts

 We at Apps4Rent helps you deploy Podman across different OSes on Azure. Tested and supported by the Apps4rent engineers, by Azure cloud infrastructure precisely. In case you have any issues, our Azure experts are available 24/7 via phone, chat, and email. Get in touch today!

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open source licenses.

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Managed Azure services
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