Generative AI-Copiloted Protocol Writing


Generative AI-Copiloted Protocol Writing


Streamline Protocol authoring through smart templates, AI for precise content matching and more.

The AuroraPrime platform's AI-Powered Protocol Authoring product empowers biopharma companies with streamlined protocol creation. It features smart templates, batch content generation, one-click SOA setups, AI for precise content matching, and immediate access to writing techniques. This enhances efficiency, quality, and consistency in protocol documentation, significantly reducing authoring time and effort.

Streamline Protocol Authoring & Content Management:

Enhances protocol authoring with structured templates, batch content creation, one-click SOA, AI content matching, and instant access to writing techniques for efficiency and quality.

  1. Smart Template and Writing Guide: framework and style standards, chapter and paragraph structuring, and example-based learning
  2. Standard Chapter Reuse: batch standard chapter creation, align content with protocol and eliminate copy-paste effort
  3. SOA + Visit Description: One-click SOA setup, custom SOA support and efficient content linking
  4. AI-Generated Main Content: accurate content matching, high-quality protocol content and quality enhancements: rephrase, reuse
  5. Knowledge Library: Instant chapter technique access, AI distills corporate insights and Document creation support

About Company
AlphaLife Sciences Group represents the pinnacle of innovation in the realm of digital clinical research. Our flagship offering, AuroraPrime, is a testament to our leadership in integrating Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) into a comprehensive AI-powered SaaS platform. Globally acknowledged and bolstered by prestigious collaborations with Microsoft's Pegasus Program and Google for Startups, AuroraPrime seamlessly blends advanced integrations such as EDC, RTSM, DCT, CTMS, eTMF, along with Medical Writing, Translation, Analytics, Knowledge Base, and an exhaustive Data Platform. These groundbreaking innovations are pivotal in hastening drug development and facilitating smoother market entry, earning the trust of pharmaceutical giants such as AZ, GSK and MSD and global CRO like IQVIA. As an authoritative figure in life sciences and consumer health, we are dedicated to propelling AuroraPrime to the forefront of global digital clinical research platforms. Our reliance on the latest AI models, cloud computing, and big data technologies underpins our commitment to providing robust technical support across all phases of clinical trials and real-world research. This, coupled with our unparalleled consulting and system implementation services, significantly accelerates R&D innovation and expedites the introduction of new therapeutics.