Ingentive Sentinel Solution

Ingentive Limited

Ingentive Sentinel Solution

Ingentive Limited

Ingentive Sentinel Solution

Ingentive offers structured solutions designed to help organisations familiarise themselves with the Microsoft Cloud security suite. Harnessing advanced threat detection algorithms and real-time monitoring. Ingentive empowers organisations to detect and respond to cyber-threats swiftly. Gain comprehensive insights into your cloud environment's security posture and enhance your defence against emerging threats.

Service features:
  • Microsoft Sentinel Consulting: Expert guidance for implementation.
  • Microsoft Sentinel Architecture: Custom design for optimal performance.
  • Microsoft Sentinel Deployment: Smooth implementation of solutions.
  • Cloud SIEM Deployment: Seamless deployment of SIEM.
  • Cloud SIEM Architecture: Tailored design for cloud effectiveness.
  • Cloud SIEM Consulting: Consultation for optimal cloud usage.
  • Unification of Log Sources: Integration for centralised log management.
  • Cloud-Native SIEM Solution: Native solutions for cloud security.
  • Proactive Threat Detection: Advanced algorithms for early identification.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimisation: Ongoing fine-tuning for efficiency.

Service benefits:
  • Improved SOC Efficiency: Faster threat response with streamlined operations.
  • Enhanced Security Coverage: Complete protection across the cloud environment.
  • Reductions in False Positives: Minimised unnecessary alerts for efficiency.
  • Reductions in Management Efforts: Simplified setup and maintenance.
  • Reduced New Connections Time: Rapid adaptation to cloud environment changes.
  • Reduced Likelihood of Data Breach: Swift threat detection and response.
  • Reduced Compliance Costs: Economical compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Flexible, Consumption-Based Pricing: Cost-effective scalability tailored to needs.
  • Cost Savings Over On-Premises: Lower expenses compared to traditional infrastructure.
  • Scalability and Elasticity: Easily adaptable security for evolving needs.

Ingentive provide consultancy services in addition to reselling Microsoft Security services. Through these consulting services Ingentive are able to provide recommendations on how best to deploy Microsoft Security services and customise the specific threat policies or features.