IntelliTag - Product Attribution Generation from Digital Assets Solution Powered by GPT-4-Turbo-Vision

Affine Inc

IntelliTag - Product Attribution Generation from Digital Assets Solution Powered by GPT-4-Turbo-Vision

Affine Inc

AI-driven solution for product attribution, enhancing consumer engagement via automated tagging.

In the dynamic retail landscape, staying ahead of consumer expectations and operational efficiency is critical. The challenge lies in establishing an AI-driven framework that automates the identification and tagging of universally recognized and custom attributes for products.

IntelliTag, powered by GPT-4 Vision and OCR models, addresses this need by fusing Generative AI with advanced AI features to automate product attribute creation, fostering heightened consumer engagement.

Key Solution Components

  • Prompt Engineering Module:
    • Utilizes GPT-4V to identify visual and textual attributes of products.
    • Enhances attribute identification through advanced prompt engineering techniques.
  • Inferencing Module:
    • Integrates Azure OpenAI models with a user-friendly interface.
    • Displays predicted image labels for user validation and interaction.
  • Feedback Module:
    • Allows users to tag predictions as correct or incorrect via a web UI.
    • Offers the option to modify predicted labels, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
  • Retraining Module:
    • Continuously retrains models using manual feedback.
    • Improves predictions through prompt reengineering and integrates seamlessly into deployment cycles.

IntelliTag Features

  • AI-powered Implicit & Explicit Attributes: Automates nuanced product characteristic identification.
  • Expressions and Context: Captures relevant context for accurate tagging.
  • Organization’s Nomenclature: Adapts to specific naming conventions.
  • Capture Latest Trends: Keeps up with market trends.
  • DAM Integration: Integrates with preferred Digital Asset Management systems.
  • Secure & Responsible AI: Ensured by Azure OpenAI.
  • Automated Workflow Execution: Streamlines processes.
  • Model and Usage Governance: Provides oversight on model performance.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Ensures appropriate access levels.
  • Scalable: Grows with business needs.
  • Comprehensive and Accurate: Ensures precise tagging.
  • Efficient: Enhances operational efficiency.

Expected Benefits

  • Enhanced Personalization: Offers personalized recommendations, improving engagement and satisfaction.
  • Improved SEO: Enriches product metadata for better search engine indexing and visibility.
  • Streamlined Marketing Campaigns: Facilitates targeted marketing for effective campaigns.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Aids in product discovery, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Data-Driven Insights and Decision-Making: Provides insights into customer preferences and market trends for informed decisions.
  • Streamlined Operations and Cost Efficiency: Optimizes processes, reduces manual effort, and lowers operational costs.

IntelliTag is tailored to meet your business needs. Contact us to discuss how IntelliTag can enhance your retail operations and customer engagement.