
AccountingPod Ltd


AccountingPod Ltd

Edtech for Teaching and Learning of Cloud Business and Accounting Platforms.

AccountingPod is an EdTech Company.
We provide teaching resources for cloud accounting and business platforms to be easily deployed in classrooms.
We take a continuous development approach to technology and dynamic content to the 'hands on' learning of accounting and business. 
This helps to build employability and technology mastery skills. 
Our case studies blend realistic and recent content and data across cloud business platforms, like Xero, together with supporting teaching tools which include auto-marking, monitoring, reporting, cheat prevention and feedback.
We are a team of experienced Chartered Accountants, software engineers, content creators and designers.
AccountingPod represents new teaching technology only possible with the emergence of cloud business platforms and cognitive technologies deployed to support tasks and interactions which can be also be used to assess and enhance students' soft and problem solving skills in a business and accounting context.