Azure Landing Zone: 4-Week Implementation


Azure Cloud Adoption Framework Landing Zone, also known as Governance Implementation, is a basis for all Azure operations.

Azure Landing Zone implementation by Zure creates the initial blueprint at a subscription level with essential items and provides an excellent starting point for further improvements.

The project starts with a kick-off meeting and ends with a handover workshop. In between we’ll have meetings as required.

First Week

  • Kickoff meeting
    • Agree the communication habits
    • Setting the scope
    • Access rights to relevant systems
      • Azure Portal
      • DevOps
    • Workshop 1
      • Decide the perfect subscription for implementation
      • Inspect use cases for the blueprint
      • Create initial blueprint

Second Week

  • Workshop 2
    • Map the requirements to use case
    • Validate the use cases against the governance model
    • Enhance the blueprint

Third Week

  • Workshop 3
    • Lock the Blueprint content
    • Create a DevOps Pipeline for blueprint deployment
    • Gather requirements for next steps

Fourth Week

  • Handover workshop
    • Deploy the blueprint to decided environment
    • Sign off the documentation


Azure Landing Zone implementation ready for production.

  • Azure Landing Zone design and key decisions documented.
  • Azure Resource Manager templates.


Make Azure deployment and management easy and secure by:

  • Creating and deploying the first and initial version of the landing zone.
  • Gain understanding and hands-on experience of the Azure governance and blueprints.

Related products

  • Azure Cloud
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Security