App Innovate: 1 Wk. Assessment


Aging systems and legacy applications cannot meet today’s business goals and customer expectations. Our assessment helps customers prepare to migrate and modernize their applications to Azure.

During this engagement Tallan will evaluate up to five (5) applications from a people, process and technology perspective to ensure that our post-assessment recommendations meet the needs of your users and the skills of your team. We will present options for modernizing the evaluated applications as part of a migration to Microsoft Azure. Part of this engagement, is educating your teams on the value of the Platform as a Service (PaaS) model, or, using Azure to support the scale your application infrastructure needs to become, and remain competitive. The preferred option will be architected and planned to provide you with actionable next steps! From there, you will understand and have a clear roadmap to your future environment.


Ideate and review app candidates, VMs, and database information, and discuss project scope Data collection and analysis Design of a PaaS focused architecture in Azure Conduct modernization and migration planning Training, execution and hand-off


Executive summary of engagement App Portfolio analysis data, modernization planning, and cost estimates Training and hand-off Review of proposed next-steps (where applicable) for App Modernization development efforts

Price and timeframe are estimates, Microsoft funding has potential to cover cost