Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Deployment Service

Shaping Cloud

Through our proven Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Deployment Service, we’ll seamlessly integrate AVD into your environment.

Through our proven Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) Deployment Service, we’ll seamlessly integrate AVD into your environment, ensuring optimal performance, security, and user experience. By entrusting us with your deployment, you’ll unlock the full potential of AVD while minimising disruptions and maximising the benefits of a cloud-based virtual desktop solution

Benefits: • Efficient Deployment: Streamline your AVD deployment process, minimising downtime and disruptions to daily operations. • Optimised Performance: Ensure that your AVD environment is configured for optimal performance and maximum responsiveness. • Enhanced Security: Implement robust security measures to protect your sensitive data and maintain compliance with industry standards. • User Satisfaction: Provide training and support to ensure a positive user experience, boosting adoption and satisfaction. • Boosted Scalability: Design your AVD environment to scale with your projected growth, ensuring long-term viability. • Cost-Effectiveness: Optimise resource utilisation and implement cost-conscious recommendations for your AVD deployment, ensuring value for money.


• Requirements-Gathering: Engage stakeholders to understand their business and technical requirements. Analyse existing infrastructure to tailor the AVD deployment to your unique needs. • Design & Planning: Develop a customised AVD solution design based on the gathered requirements. Create a deployment plan outlining the step-by-step process for implementation. • Build & Configuration: Deploy the necessary infrastructure components for your AVD environment. Configure networks, storage, and compute resources to optimise performance. • Application Integration: Integrate your existing applications and services into your AVD environment. Ensure seamless compatibility and performance for all essential tools. • Security Implementation: Implement robust security measures to safeguard data and ensure compliance. Utilise Azure security features to protect the virtual desktop environment. • Testing & QA: Conduct thorough testing of your AVD deployment under various scenarios. Identify and address any performance or compatibility issues. • User Training: Provide user training sessions to ensure a smooth transition to your AVD environment. Offer ongoing support to address user concerns and promote adoption. • Launch: Execute the deployment according to the agreed-upon implementation plan. Implement monitoring tools to track and address any post-launch issues

Our tired-and-tested methodology is grounded in more than ten years of hands-on experience.

Wherever you are on your Azure journey, we offer the skills and experience to accelerate your time-to-value and de-risk your adoption.