Migrate .NET Apps to Azure: 80-hour Assessment

Keyhole Software LLC

We will help you develop a Roadmap to Migrate on-premise .NET enterprise applications to Azure. Intended for CTOs, Directors, and Architects to be able to present an Organizational Migration Plan.

Taking an existing application and migrating it to Azure is a serious undertaking. Enterprise applications can power entire business units, so any change to them should be well documented, communicated, and understood.

As stewards of applications whose functionality helps business units make revenue, it is important that every part of the application’s leadership, from the top down, understand what is being proposed when migrating an application to Azure.

Five-Step Planning and Migration Process Roadmap There are many steps that need to happen before the migration can even begin. Every organization is different, so we will help you define the details that apply to your situation.

We will take you through a 5-Step process:

  1. Cloud Readiness Assessment
  2. Definition of Workgroup
  3. Development of Migration Plan
  4. Gaining Acceptance from Stakeholders
  5. Implementation Plan Documentation and Review

In regard to Step Three, Defining the Migration Plan, the exact Migration Plan will differ from organization to organization and application to application. High-level aspects that will be considered include:

  • Application Model
  • IP (Intellectual Property) Model
  • Deployment Model
  • Development Model
  • Azure Utilization Model
  • Governance Model
  • Support Model
  • QA Model
  • Disaster Recovery (DR) Model
  • Timeline

Our Microsoft-certified team of Azure experts is ready to help you take your business to Azure with a customized migration Roadmap that will work best for you.


  • Days 1-2 - Cloud Readiness Assessment
  • Day 3 - Definition of Workgroup
  • Days 4, 5, 6 - Development of Migration Plan
  • Day 7 - Gaining Acceptance from Stakeholders
  • Days 8, 9, 10 - Implementation Plan Documentation and Review