Cloud Security Posture Management Assessment (CSPMA)

John Keells Information Technology Pvt Ltd

Secure your cloud with John Keells IT's CSPMA solution. Gain insights, mitigate risks, and enhance compliance with a 360-degree cloud security posture assessment powered by Microsoft tools.

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring the security of your cloud infrastructure is more critical than ever. John Keells IT introduces its Cloud Security Posture Management Assessment (CSPMA) solution, designed to help organizations evaluate and strengthen their cloud security posture comprehensively. Whether you operate in a hybrid, multi-cloud, or fully cloud environment, our CSPMA solution equips your organization with the insights and tools required to mitigate risks, enhance compliance, and elevate your overall security posture.

Why Choose CSPMA by John Keells IT?

Our CSPMA service goes beyond basic security checks. We provide organizations with a 360-degree assessment of their cloud security, offering rapid, actionable insights into potential vulnerabilities and compliance gaps across your cloud environment. By leveraging Microsoft’s advanced security tools, such as Azure Security Center, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and Azure Policy, we ensure that your organization’s cloud security meets industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Key benefits:

• We deliver an in-depth evaluation of your cloud infrastructure, identifying potential risks and security gaps, helping you understand your secure score.

• Based on the findings, we provide actionable recommendations to improve your security score, aligned with industry best practices and your organization’s unique needs.

• Adopt a Zero Trust model to reduce attack surfaces, enhance data protection, and ensure that only the right people have access to critical assets.

• We help you align with global standards such as GDPR, ISO 27001, and SOC 2, ensuring your cloud infrastructure is fully compliant and prepared for audits.

• Our CSPMA solution integrates with Microsoft Azure’s powerful security tools, delivering continuous monitoring and protection for your cloud environment.

• Whether your data resides on-premises, in multi-cloud, or hybrid environments, our solution provides a consistent security framework across all platforms.

CSPMA Helps You Stay Secure:

  1. Our comprehensive assessment covers all critical pillars of cloud security: identity management, network security, data protection, devices, applications, and infrastructure. We use Azure Security Center and Microsoft Defender for Cloud to evaluate your current posture, providing real-time insights into where you stand and where improvements are needed.

  2. By implementing Zero Trust principles, we help organizations adopt a security-first mindset. With this model, trust is never assumed. Instead, all access to resources is continually verified, reducing the chances of unauthorized access and ensuring that your cloud environment is protected against emerging threats.

  3. Aligning with Microsoft’s native compliance tools, our CSPMA solution enables your organization to meet critical regulatory standards. From GDPR to SOC 2, our solution helps you demonstrate compliance and ensure that your cloud operations are secure and audit-ready at all times.

  4. Our solution is designed to work in tandem with Microsoft Azure services, providing deep integration with security tools and ensuring seamless operations across your entire cloud infrastructure. Whether your environment is on-premises, multi-cloud, or hybrid, we offer a unified view and continuous monitoring of your cloud security posture.

Customer Success Stories:

At John Keells IT, we’ve helped some of the largest organizations in Sri Lanka and beyond strengthen their cloud security postures. From Sri Lanka’s largest conglomerate with over 70 subsidiaries across multiple industries to leading financial institutions, our customers have benefitted from our tailored CSPMA approach. Our experience working with diverse industries ensures that we can meet the specific needs of your business.

Partner with an Expert:

Our certified professionals have the knowledge and tools to guide your organization through the complexities of cloud security management. Partnering with us means leveraging the best of Microsoft’s cloud security solutions and receiving personalized, expert-level service tailored to your organization’s needs.

Get Started Today:

Protecting your cloud infrastructure doesn’t have to be a complex or overwhelming task. With John Keells IT’s CSPMA solution, you’ll gain the insights, recommendations, and tools you need to enhance your security posture and safeguard your business-critical data.

Next Steps:

• Schedule a Consultation: Ready to take your cloud security to the next level? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started with our CSPMA solution.

• Learn More: Explore how our CSPMA can help you secure your cloud environment and meet regulatory compliance.