- Consulting services
Fabric Jumpstart Accelerator: 4-Day Workshop
Start your journey with Microsoft Fabric through a four-day, hands-on workshop designed to help you implement and leverage Fabric's capabilities effectively.
A comprehensive workshop leveraging Microsoft Fabric, Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Copilot for Power BI.
Understanding the true value of your data can be challenging without the right strategy and foundation. HSO enables organizations to harness the power of their data by providing a platform and approach that is adaptable, scalable, and reliable. Our Microsoft Fabric Jumpstart workshop extends and supports Microsoft Fabric, helping you make informed decisions to increase business performance and meet the demands of the future. Microsoft Fabric infused and Copilot for Power BI enabled, our workshop addresses industry-specific data challenges and helps businesses achieve their departmental KPIs. With HSO's expertise and our structured workshop, we can address your data needs wherever you are in your AI transformation journey with Microsoft.
The workshop includes:
Day 1: Inspiration and Business Value Introduction to Microsoft Fabric and its capabilities Presentation of real-life success stories Identification of a business use case aligned with your goals and challenges
Day 2: Co-design and Setup Agreement on data sources, entities, pipelines, transformations, security, and compliance requirements Setup of your Microsoft Fabric account and environment
Day 3: Co-development and Delivery Building of your data model Creation of your Power BI workspace using Copilot Extension of your Microsoft 365 Copilot with AI skills Delivery of your first workload using Microsoft Fabric
Day 4: Review and Action Plan Review of key insights Creation of an action plan to ensure participants can effectively apply workshop learnings Presentation of results and action plan to management-level decision-makers
By the end of the workshop, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how a data and analytics solution within Microsoft Fabric can benefit your organization. You will also receive a high-level action plan for implementing Fabric.