Microsoft Azure plus Rubrik Data Protection: 5-Day Workshop

eGroup Enabling Technologies, LLC

With Microsoft Azure and Rubrik we focus on Hybrid-Cloud Governance, Security, and a design for Data Protection to create the resilience that a business needs to move forward.

Our IT Recovery workshop will give you the certainty, speed, and security your organization needs to stay up, running, and results-driven. The simplicity of Rubrik Data Management and the governance, identity management, network security and data protection offered by Microsoft Azure you are able to confidently secure your data for both archival and disaster recovery needs. With Microsoft Azure and Rubrik you are only paying for the capacity that you need with Safety test recovery from Microsoft Azure VMs and recovery from a complete loss to Microsoft Azure VMs.

Through the agenda of this engagement, you will:
Day 1: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Workshop: a business and technical assessment of the environment for Rubrik to Microsoft Azure readiness
Day 2-3: Review Microsoft Azure based Rubrik components
Day 4-5: Provide a total cost of ownership and technical analysis of your data protection

Microsoft Azure with Rubrik create an effective hybrid data protection strategy that allows you access to new technology with lower upfront costs.