Manufacturing Data & AI Pilot: 4-wk Implementation

Catapult Systems, LLC

Catapult's Data & AI Pilot is the first step in your advanced analytics journey. We demonstrate the art of the possible and create a custom strategic roadmap for advanced analytics adoption.

In the ever-evolving digital world, manufacturing organizations are seeking to increase sustainability, resiliency, and efficiency for their supply chain and factory operations. The most critical starting point is data.

Transformative insights can be derived from complex data but require hard-to-find expertise to create. A Catapult Data & AI Pilot is perfect for organizations that are taking the first steps on their advanced analytics journey. Building a use case leveraging your own data will demonstrate the art of the possible, setting a pattern to deliver rapid insights for manufacturing.


The pilot starts with a series of discovery sessions to get to know your business. We then conduct best practices workshops aligned to your specific needs to provide the most business value for your organization. Next, we build out a data pilot with a high-value data set prioritized by your team. Deliverables include an executive brief, recommendations, and a roadmap to provide the next steps for your data journey.

Catapult offers two pilot options to meet you where you are on your Data & AI journey.

Migrate & Modernize

Sets the data foundation for digital transformation to increase operational visibility and production operations


  • Enable remote workforce flexibility
  • Push business intelligence closer to operational technology
  • Modernize data to improve production insights
  • Improve functional safety of IoT equipment
  • Monitor your cyber-attack surface
  • Visualize operational systems in real-time
  • Or

    Innovate with AI

    Provides transformative advanced insights and solves previously intractable problems using expertise in data science and machine learning.


  • Create resilient supply chains through advanced optimization
  • Enable intelligent production using process optimization
  • Leverage IoT and digital twins to streamline operations and perform predictive maintenance
  • Use intelligent agents and customer analytics for enhanced customer experience

  • Prioritize early use cases
  • Give early wins to help accelerate adoption
  • Create a solution that adds immediate business value
  • 1. DEFINE

  • Conduct Innovation Workshop to inventory priority business cases
  • Conduct solution design workshop to scope and define pilot opportunity
  • Review current state of Azure environment
  • Education sessions on Azure Data Services as Needed
  • 2. ASSESS

  • Perform discovery on data assets
  • Identify and engage with key stakeholders and technical personnel
  • Conduct data management maturity assessment
  • Scope and build backlog for the pilot Implementation
  • 3. ADOPT

  • Develop the scoped pilot solution
  • Regular reviews and proof points for progress
  • Empower your personnel through shadowing and education
  • Present pilot results and roadmap for future data service enhancements

  • Fill the talent gap and let Catapult be your data team.
  • Upskill your internal team through optional mentoring and shadowing programs.
  • Remain competitive in an increasingly data-driven landscape.
  • Pay only for what you need with cloud solutions and agile services.
  • Minimize risk with multiple proof points and regular feasibility analysis.

  • Continue to innovate after the pilot is completed
  • Implement roadmap features in an Agile fashion
  • Managed Services is also available for ongoing operational support
  • *Estimated pricing based on customer size and project scope.