Observability and Scalability Engineering Retail industry


Refine your Azure environment with AVASOFT's Observability and Scalability Engineering. Optimize cloud management with real-time monitoring, automated IaC, and tailored scaling.

Service Overview:

AVASOFT's Retail Observability in Azure Cloud offering provides comprehensive monitoring and insights tailored specifically for large and enterprise retail companies. Leveraging our extensive experience in observability and advanced monitoring, we offer end-to-end solutions enhanced with AI capabilities. Our goal is to empower IT leaders in the retail industry with valuable insights into their operations, enabling them to optimize performance and enhance customer experience.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Gather and analyze data from various sources, including logs, metrics, and traces, to provide a holistic view of system performance.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor system health and performance in real-time for timely detection and response to issues and anomalies.
  • Advanced Alerting and Notification: Set up customized alerts and notifications to proactively address potential issues before they impact operations.
  • Intelligent Analytics: Utilize AI and advanced analytics to uncover insights, trends, and patterns in system data for informed decision-making.
  • Interactive Dashboards and Visualization: Access intuitive dashboards and visualization tools to easily interpret data and track key performance indicators.
  • End-to-End Traceability: Trace transactions and workflows across distributed systems to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Dynamically scale monitoring capabilities to accommodate changing workloads and business needs, ensuring flexibility and agility.
  • Integration with DevOps Tools: Seamlessly integrate with DevOps tools and workflows to facilitate collaboration and streamline operations.
  • Compliance and Security Monitoring: Monitor compliance with industry regulations and security best practices, ensuring data privacy and protection.
  • Customizable Reporting: Generate customizable reports and insights tailored to specific business requirements and stakeholder needs.


  • Observability Assessment Report: A comprehensive report detailing the current state of observability, including strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring Setup: Configuration and deployment of monitoring tools for various infrastructure components such as servers, networks, databases, and applications.
  • Log Aggregation and Correlation: Implementation of a centralized logging system to aggregate logs from different sources for correlation and analysis.
  • Metrics Collection and Visualization: Setup of metric collection mechanisms and visualization dashboards to monitor system health, performance, and resource utilization.
  • Distributed Tracing Configuration: Configuration of distributed tracing tools to track and analyze requests across different components, enabling end-to-end visibility and performance optimization.
  • Alerting and Notification Setup: Configuration of alerting rules and notification mechanisms to detect and respond to anomalies, errors, and performance degradation in real-time.
  • Dashboard Creation: Development of customized dashboards tailored to specific user roles and requirements, providing actionable insights and real-time visibility into system metrics and performance.
  • Incident Response Plan: Development of an incident response plan outlining roles, responsibilities, and procedures for effectively responding to and resolving observability-related incidents and issues.

Next Steps:

Schedule a consultation with AVASOFT's observability experts to discuss your specific retail challenges and tailor a comprehensive solution for optimizing your operations in Azure Cloud.
