Fabric and Purview Data Governance Mastery Workshop


Empower teams with skills for integrated data management and compliance in Azure ecosystem

Data Quality and Governance Workshop with Fabric and Azure Purview

The workshop offers an interactive learning experience focused on establishing a robust Data Quality and Governance Framework with the integration of Fabric—an enterprise data management tool—and Azure Purview, for comprehensive governance services. It covers strategic planning, implementation techniques, and best practices to elevate your data management, ensuring it meets industry standards for quality and compliance. This workshop provides hands-on training, aligning with your organization's needs to manage data effectively within Azure's cloud environment.

Key Features:

  • Fabric and Azure Purview Overview: Introduction to the capabilities and benefits of these tools within Azure.
  • Data Governance Best Practices: Insights into the best practices for data governance processes and how to implement them.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Real-world scenarios and exercises leading to practical understanding and application.
  • Data Compliance and Standards: Understanding regulatory requirements and how to meet them.
  • Scalable Framework Implementation: Guidance on creating a framework that grows with your organization’s data needs.


  • Workshop Materials: Comprehensive materials covering Fabric and Azure Purview features and benefits.
  • Best Practices Guide: Detailed guide on data governance best practices.
  • Hands-On Exercises: Practical exercises and scenarios for real-world application.
  • Compliance Checklist: Checklist to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.
  • Scalable Framework Plan: Plan for implementing a scalable data governance framework.

Next Steps:

  • Read our detailed Customer One Pager to understand the full scope of our workshop.
  • Connect with our experts to book a workshop tailored to your organization's needs.
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your data governance and quality framework requirements.

Discover how our Data Quality and Governance Workshop can transform your data management practices. Read our Customer One Pager for details on the workshop or connect with our experts to book a workshop. Take the next step in elevating your data management to industry standards.
