Migration to Azure: 8-week Implementation

knowmad mood

We propose a Migration to Azure with an MRA/MRP strategy and an agile approach

We propose Migration to Azure with an MRA/MRP strategy and an agile approach.

The migration is carried on in two phases.

The first phase consists of deliver a "Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA)", which is developed during "Transformation Sprint" carried on by atSistemas technicians working together with the client's team. Once the assessment is completed, a deliverable "Migration Readiness Plan (MRP)" is created. This document describes all applications, infrastructures, services, and data centers in detail, to build and prioritize the backlog of the migration process regarding Azure services.

The second phase consists of the migration process itself, implementing the “Migration Readiness Plan (MRP)” towards Azure VMs, Azure App services, database instances (Azure SQL, Cosmos DB), virtual networks and all necessary Azure infrastructure. This process is executed along with engineering improvement initiatives, in a series of 4-week agile sprints.

We estimate a 4-week MRA and one 4-week MRP execution for a small organization, but the number of MRP sprints may vary depending on the size of the organization and infrastructure.
