Melon Learning LMS – train your employees across your business

Melon ЕAD

Melon Learning LMS – train your employees across your business

Melon ЕAD

A flexible solution that covers all your training needs and puts the user experience first.

Melon Learning offers you a powerful Learning Management System (LMS) that can help you streamline your training processes and ensure your employees have the skillset needed for their job. Take advantage of a reliable platform that empowers training across your entire organization.

40K+ users on various browsers and devices
40+ clients with average tenure 5+ years
20+ years on the market
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Create trainings
Bring your training vision to life by deploying new trainings with fewer clicks. Streamlined processes and smart tools enable you to quickly introduce new trainings and keep learning resources up to date. Easily upload your courses and make them a part of any training. Manage the way users see them and track their usage.

Learners and teams
Perfect your training roadmap by planning every step for optimal results. Easily manage learners and teams, assign training materials, create webinars and schedule trainings. The smart functions of user grouping and management allow for simplified organization of learners into teams and categories. Users can be assigned to multiple groups based on their role, location, seniority, or any other desired criteria. The training administration is fully customizable, ensuring maximum automation of repetitive tasks and great adaptability of training processes.

Data-driven analytics
Gain valuable insights into the performance of your training program with our detailed tracking and reporting tools. Gain a deeper understanding of the impact of your training efforts with synthesized and meaningful information. Use this data to make informed, data-driven decisions that enhance your training program and drive better results. The reports dashboard provides real-time statistics, allowing you to quickly identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy as needed.

Evaluate the success of your training program with an integrated powerful assessment tool. Conduct tests, quizzes, and surveys to measure learner progress. Gain valuable insights into your learners' strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement. Provide them with constructive feedback to help them grow. Utilize the results of your assessments and continue to improve your training program, driving better results. The assessment tool is a key component of your learning roadmap, helping you stay on track and reach your goals.

Mobile learning
Learning is no longer confined to the desktop. Melon Learning is fully optimized for mobile devices, so learners can access their training from anywhere, at any time. Whether they're on the go, working remotely, or simply prefer to use their mobile devices, our platform provides a seamless and convenient learning experience.

Melon Learning integrates with Microsoft Active Directory, Okta, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Jitsi Meet. If you need an integration with another system, contact us at

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